c# - Publish Entity-Framework Code-First Migrations with Context in another project -

i've same problem described here , i've try apply suggested solution changing connection string name fqn of db context placed in project.

web project web.config file (in project myapplication.web):

<connectionstrings> <add name="farmacianataliniserver.infrastructure.applicationdbcontext" connectionstring="data source=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;attachdbfilename=|datadirectory|\aspnet-farmacianataliniserver-20151127115838.mdf;initial catalog=aspnet-farmacianataliniserver-20151127115838;integrated security=true" providername="system.data.sqlclient" /> 

applicationdbcontext.cs (in project myapplication):

public class applicationdbcontext : identitydbcontext<applicationuser> {     public dbset<registereddevice> registereddevices { get; set; }     public dbset<reservation> reservations { get; set; }      public applicationdbcontext() : base("farmacianataliniserver.infrastructure.applicationdbcontext", throwifv1schema: false)     {     }  ... 

unfortunately seems solution not work anymore on visual studio 2015 :(

can me that?

thank in advance!

i found solution problem. i've createad new fresh project adding files , dependencies 1 one , found ones make option disappear.

they were:

  • autofac.owin
  • autofac.mvc.owin
  • autofac.webapi2.owin

and controller inherits knockoutcontroller package perpetuumsoft.knockout.

i've removed these dependendecies , code-first option on publish dialog visible , activable again.

don't know why these dependencies cause problem, don't see correlation it's working desired. :)


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