hadoop - Group correspoding key and values -

i have used case write map reducing code have group values corresponding same queue:




a {b,c}
b {a,d}

i have written below :

             import java.io.ioexception;         import java.util.stringtokenizer;          /*         * org.apache.hadoop packaged can imported using jar present in lib          * directory of java project.         */          import org.apache.hadoop.conf.configuration;         import org.apache.hadoop.fs.path;         import org.apache.hadoop.io.longwritable;         import org.apache.hadoop.io.text;         import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.job;         import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.mapper;         import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.fileinputformat;         import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.textinputformat;         import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.fileoutputformat;         import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.textoutputformat;          public class groupkeyvalues {          public static class map extends mapper {              public void map(longwritable key, text value, context con)                     throws ioexception, interruptedexception {                  text mykey = new text();                 text myval = new text();                 string line = value.tostring();                 stringtokenizer st = new stringtokenizer(line);                  while (st.hasmoretokens()) {                      string thish = st.nexttoken();                     string[] splitdata = thish.split(",");                     mykey.set(splitdata[0]);                     myval.set(splitdata[1]);                 }                 con.write(mykey, myval);              }          }          @suppresswarnings("deprecation")         public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {              configuration conf = new configuration();             @suppresswarnings("deprecation")             job job = new job(conf, "groupkeyvalues");              job.setjarbyclass(groupkeyvalues.class);             job.setmapperclass(map.class);              job.setoutputkeyclass(text.class);             job.setoutputvalueclass(text.class);              job.setinputformatclass(textinputformat.class);             job.setoutputformatclass(textoutputformat.class);              path outputpath = new path(args[1]);              fileinputformat.addinputpath(job, new path(args[0]));             fileoutputformat.setoutputpath(job, new path(args[1]));              outputpath.getfilesystem(conf).delete(outputpath);              system.exit(job.waitforcompletion(true) ? 0 : 1);          }     }  

you missing reducer aggregate values single "row" value. example, can use arraywritable this:

  public static class aggregatingreducer extends reducer<text, text, text, arraywritable> {     private arraywritable result = new arraywritable(text.class);      public void reduce(text key, iterable<text> values, context context) throws ioexception,         interruptedexception {       list<text> list = new arraylist<>();       (text value : values) {         list.add(value);       }       result.set(list.toarray(new text[list.size()]));       context.write(key, result);     }   } 

in job setup, make sure add this:

job.setreducerclass(aggregatingreducer.class); job.setoutputvalueclass(arraywritable.class);  //instead of text.class 

alternatively (depending on need) can concatenate reducer values stringbuilder , emit text instead of accumulating , emitting arraywritable.

update: here example of stringbuilder use comma delimiter:

  public static class aggregatingreducer extends reducer<text, text, text, text> {     private text result = new text();      public void reduce(text key, iterable<text> values, context context) throws ioexception,         interruptedexception {       stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();       (text value : values) {         if (sb.length() != 0) {           sb.append(',');         }         sb.append(value);       }       result.set(sb.tostring());       context.write(key, result);     }   }   

in driver value type needs changed text:



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