c# - Add objects to list in loop in IL Emit - Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program -

the following c# code:

list<int> list = new list<int>(); for(int count = 0; count < 5; count++)     list.add(count); return list; 

my corresponding emitted code follows:

localbuilder list = ilout.declarelocal(typeof(list<int>)); localbuilder count = ilout.declarelocal(typeof(int)); localbuilder cmpres = ilout.declarelocal(typeof(bool)); constructorinfo dictconstrctor = typeof(list<int>).getconstructor(new type[] { }); methodinfo methodinfo_add = typeof(list<int>).getmethod("add", new[] { typeof(int) }); label il_001c = ilout.definelabel(); label il_000b = ilout.definelabel();  ilout.emit(opcodes.newobj, dictconstrctor); ilout.emit(opcodes.stloc_0, list); ilout.emit(opcodes.ldc_i4_0); ilout.emit(opcodes.stloc_1, count);  ilout.emit(opcodes.br_s, il_001c); ilout.marklabel(il_000b); ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_0, list); ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_1, count); ilout.emit(opcodes.call, methodinfo_add);  ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_1, count); ilout.emit(opcodes.ldc_i4_1); ilout.emit(opcodes.add);  ilout.emit(opcodes.stloc_1, count); ilout.marklabel(il_001c); ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_1, count); ilout.emit(opcodes.ldc_i4_2); ilout.emit(opcodes.clt); ilout.emit(opcodes.stloc_3, cmpres); ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_3, cmpres); ilout.emit(opcodes.brtrue_s, il_000b);  ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_0, list); ilout.emit(opcodes.ret); 

it throwing exception - "common language runtime detected invalid program.".

what doing wrong here? appreciated.

ilout.emit(opcodes.stloc_1, count); 


ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_1, count); 

make no sense. no additional parameter needed if explicitly saying "use local 1"


ilout.emit(opcodes.stloc_3, cmpres);  ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_3, cmpres); 

although frankly i'm not sure cmpres serves useful purpose; no point storing , loading - leave on stack

note: if count "local 1", cmpres "local 2"; there no "local 3", stloc_3 , ldloc_3 malformed.

and again here:

ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_0, list); ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_1, count); 


next call; you're doing static call:

ilout.emit(opcodes.call, methodinfo_add); 

but instance method on object, should virtual call.

and again local fumble here:

ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_1, count); 

and here:

ilout.emit(opcodes.stloc_1, count); 

and here:

ilout.emit(opcodes.ldloc_0, list); 

however, have severe doubts loop (even if fixed) expect - if read right, actually:

var list = new list<int>(); for(int [= 0] ; < 2 ; i++) // note 0 here implicit not explicit {     list.add(i); } return list; 


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