shell - staging all files except specific files using glob patterns in git -

i trying stage new created files , others edited files staging area in git using git add command. want stage except *.java files (in current directory , in every sub directory in project). tried work no success.

pwd: /d/myproject

nothing of these worked:

git add !(*.java) git add \!\(\*.java\) git add \!\(*.java\) git add !\(\*.java\) 

could me work please? , somehow possible use regular expressions instead of globs here?

you use find:

find . -type f ! -iname '*.java' -exec git add {} + 

you can skip paths matching pattern using ! -ipath <pattern>, e.g:

find . -type f ! -iname '*.java' ! -ipath './a/b/*c*' -exec git add {} + 


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