Java array assignment multiple values keeping the initial array -

is there way in java assign multiple values array in 1 statment later can still able append same array other values?

e.g. having string array defined length of 4

string[] kids = new string[4]; 

i assign multiple values (2 values example) array in 1 statment; maybe close array init

kids = {"x", "y"}; 

or array redefinition

kids = new string[] {"x", "y"}; 

but without loosing initial array later need add other values e.g.

if(newkid) {     kids[3] = "z"; } 

or there no way achieve , have assign values 1 one

kids[0] = "x"; kids[1] = "y"; if(newkid) {     kids[3] = "z"; } 

you need copy array initialized values larger array:

string[] kids = arrays.copyof(new string[]{ "x", "y" }, 4); kids[2] = "z"; 

alternative copy solution:

string[] kids = new string[4]; system.arraycopy(new string[]{"x", "y"}, 0, kids, 0, 2); kids[2] = "z"; 

alternatively have empty strings placeholders:

string[] test ={ "x", "y", "", "" }; test[2] = "z"; 

or use list<string>:

list<string> kids = new arraylist<>(4); collections.addall(kids, "x", "y"); kids.add("z"); 

alternative list<string> solution:

list<string> kids = new arraylist<>(arrays.aslist("x", "y")); kids.add("z"); 


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