ios - Why does my SwiftR framework code fails while building with GreenhouseCI? -

i trying implement signalr using swiftr framework available here. framework integrated ipad app. however, when checkin code private repository on github, greenhouse ci kicks in , build fails. ci unable find swiftr references.

error1: use of undeclared type 'hub'

code: var hub:hub! (problem statement in bold)

error2: 'signalr' unavailable: cannot find swift declaration class

code: var hubconnection:signalr! (problem statement in bold)

error3: 'swiftr' unavailable: cannot find swift declaration class

code: hubconnection = swiftr.connect(url) { [weak self] connection in} (problem statement in bold)

the code builds fine on local machine running xcode 7.3.1 targeted ios 8.4 , over. ci environment running xcode 7.3.1. however, ci build fails above errors.

okay, has been long time since asked question , took me time identify issue , resolve. after research , serious thoughts, realised app running on machine running simulator however, failed work under archive mode. culprit fat framework supposed having device support well. gave try building swiftr framework individually both x86_64 , arm modules. created fat framework out of , checked on github. happily, ci built , app running fine now. hope helps others too.


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