c# regex get strings that have a specific sequence of letters and digits -
i've searched around here haven't found satisfying answer i've decided ask. need search collection of strings find expressions like:
ab 12345 ac 12345
i've tried regex
[a][bc][ ]\d{5}
but unfortunately in strings there also
#xxab 1234567890123 ggab 12345678901 ab 123456 sab 123456789
and above expression gets these valid. i've found , tried
[a][bc][ ]\d{5}$
but not match anything.
so question is, there expression find strings 5 numbers followed except more numbers?
from answers think not clear in exposition, strings in middle of larger string set possible string must match:
my description data xxxab 12345bcd
and also
my second description data ref. ab 12345
and also
my third description data refab 12345
and also
ab 12345with description following ab 12345 space , description following
the strings uppercase in database.
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