php - Search results form to show another page -

i using vebra plugin on wordpress, use shortcodes show search area , shortcode show results.

i have homepage ( using "search" shortcode, "properties" shortcode on

when search on page refreshes page, how push search results page?

search php:

<div id="propertyfilter" class="vp_search">      <form action="<?php echo vp_get_search_link()?>" method="get">      <?php vp_hidden_fields(); ?>      <div class="property_refine">refine search:</div>        <div class="property_type">          <?php vp_get_areas(); ?>             </div>      <div class="property_search_group">          <p>minimum number of bedrooms</p>          <?php vp_get_bedrooms(); ?>             </div>      <div class="property_search_group vp_price">          <p>minimum price of property</p>          <?php vp_get_minprice(); ?>                     </div>      <div class="property_search_group vp_price">          <p>maximum price of property</p>          <?php vp_get_maxprice(); ?>             </div>      <div class="property_search_group vp_rent">          <p>minimum rent property</p>          <?php vp_get_minrent(); ?>                     </div>      <div class="property_search_group vp_rent">          <p>maximum rent property</p>          <?php vp_get_maxrent(); ?>             </div>      <div class="property_search_group vp_commercial">          <p>min area (sqft)</p>          <?php vp_get_minarea(); ?>      </div>      <div class="property_search_group vp_commercial">          <p>max area (sqft)</p>          <?php vp_get_maxarea(); ?>      </div>      <div class="property_search_group">          <p>type of property</p>          <?php vp_get_property_types(); ?>      </div>            <div class="property_search_group">          <p>location</p>          <input type="text" id="vp_location" name="vp_location" placeholder="enter postcode or place name" value="<?php vp_get_location(); ?>" />      </div>                <div class="property_search_group">          <p>search</p>          <?php vp_get_radius(); ?>      </div>                    <input class="submit" type="submit" value="search" />      </form>   </div>

properties results php:

    <div id="propertyresults">          <?php  echo vp_list_head();          if ($properties=vp_theproperties()) {              switch (vp_get_view()) {                  case "list": ?>                      <div id="propertylistview">  	                    <div id="propertyordering" class="clearfix">  		                    <div id="orderby">  			                    <span id="vp_order_message">order by:</span>                                  <?php vp_get_orderby(); ?>                                  <a href="#" id="viewmap" class="button">view map</a>                              </div>  	                    </div>                          <div class="clearfix">                               <?php foreach ($properties $property) { ?>                              <div class="property">                                  <div class="left_column">                                      <div class="property_image">                                          <a class="property_overview_thumb" href="<?php echo vp_propertyurl($property->vebraid); ?>" title="<?php echo $property->address_custom; ?>">                                              <?php echo vp_propertyimage($property->vebraid,0,"property_image"); ?>                                          </a>                                      <div class="property_tagline"><?php echo $property->web_status; ?></div>                                      </div>                                  </div>                                  <div class="right_column">                                      <div class="property_summary">                                          <h3 class="property_title">                                              <a href="<?php echo vp_propertyurl($property->vebraid); ?>"><span><?php echo $property->address_custom; ?> <?php echo $property->property_type; ?></span></a>                                          </h3>                                          <h4 class="property_address"><?php echo $property->address_display; ?></h4>                                          <div class="property_excerpt"><?php echo $property->excerpt; ?></div>		                                        </div>                                  </div>                                  <div class="property_features clearfix">                                      <?php if ($property->area == "commercial") {                                          if (!empty($property->propertyarea_sqft)) {?>                                          <span class="property_area"><?php echo $property->propertyarea_sqft; ?> sqft</span>                                          <?php } ?>                                      <?php } else {?>                                          <span class="property_beds"><?php echo $property->bedrooms; ?> bedrooms</span>                                          <span class="property_baths"><?php echo $property->bathrooms; ?> bathrooms</span>                                      <?php } ?>                                      <div class="property_price">&pound;<?php echo number_format($property->price,0,"",","); ?> <?php echo $property->price_postfix; ?><a href="<?php echo vp_propertyurl($property->vebraid); ?>" class="button property_button">view details</a><?php do_action('vp_other_action_buttons',$property->vebraid,'button property_button') ?></div>                                                                        </div>                              </div>                              <?php } ?>                          </div>                          <div class="properties-paging">                              <ul>                                  <?php if (vp_current_page() > 1) { ?>                                  <li><a href="#" data-id="<?php echo vp_current_page()-1; ?>" class="properties-page">&lt; previous</a></li>                                  <?php } ?>                                  <li>page <?php echo vp_current_page(); ?> of <?php echo vp_page_count(); ?></li>                                  <?php if (vp_current_page() < vp_page_count()) { ?>                                  <li><a href="#" data-id="<?php echo vp_current_page()+1; ?>" class="properties-page">&gt; next</a></li>                                  <?php } ?>                              </ul>                          </div>                      </div>                  <?php                      break;                  case "map":?>                      <div id="propertymapview">                          <div id="propertyordering" class="clearfix">  		                    <div id="orderby">                                  <a href="#" id="viewlist" class="button">view list</a>                              </div>  	                    </div>                            <?php vp_map_markers($properties); ?>                          <div id="vp-map" style="width: 100%; height: 550px;"></div>                      </div>                           <?php                      break;                  case "featured": ?>                      <?php foreach ($properties $property) { ?>                      <div class="property">                          <div class="left_column">                              <div class="property_tagline badge_<?php echo str_replace(" ","_",$property->web_status); ?>"></div>                              <div class="property_image">                                  <a class="property_overview_thumb" href="<?php echo vp_propertyurl($property->vebraid); ?>" title="<?php echo $property->address_name; ?>">                                      <?php echo vp_propertyimage($property->vebraid,0,"property_image"); ?>                                  </a>                              </div>                          </div>                          <div class="right_column">                              <ul class="property_summary">                                  <li class="property_title">                                      <a href="<?php echo vp_propertyurl($property->vebraid); ?>"><?php echo $property->address_custom; ?><span><?php echo $property->property_type; ?></span></a>                                  </li>                                  <li class="property_address"><?php echo $property->address_display; ?></li>			    				                <li class="property_price">&pound;<?php echo number_format($property->price,0,"",","); ?> <?php echo $property->price_postfix; ?></li>                              </ul>                              <div class="buttons clearfix">                                  <a href="<?php echo vp_propertyurl($property->vebraid); ?>" class="button">view details</a>                              </div>                          </div>                      </div>                      <?php } ?>                  <?php                      break;              }           } else { ?>              <p>no matching properties found.  please try alternative search criteria.</p>          <?php } ?>          <?php echo vp_list_footer();?>      </div>


in vp-search.php changed:

<form action="<?php echo vp_get_search_link()?>" method="get">


<form action="<?php echo vp_get_search_link()?>/property-results/" method="get">

obviously replace /property-results/ page has properties shortcode in :)


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