c# - Drag and Drop upload file by using Generic Handler in visual studio webform -

when trying pass files(drag , drop) generic handler, context.request.files.count in generic handler contains 0, i've tried lot of ways still unable solve it.

generic handler:

commonfunction _commonfunction = new commonfunction();      public void processrequest(httpcontext context)     {         context.response.contenttype = "text/plain";         httpfilecollection files = context.request.files;         string dhidstr = context.request["dhid"];         int dhid = convert.toint32(dhidstr);         //string destination = _commonfunction.generatefolderpath(dhid);          string invalidfiles = "";          var appsettings = configurationmanager.appsettings;         var dropboxfileext = appsettings["dropboxfileext"].tostring();         var dropboxfolder = appsettings["dropboxfolder"].tostring();         //var finaldestination = dropboxfolder.replace("[dealfolder]", destination);          list<string> fileexts = dropboxfileext.split(',').tolist<string>();          if (context.request.files.count > 0)         {              foreach (string key in files)             {                 httppostedfile file = files[key];                 string filename = file.filename;                 string filetype = filename.substring(filename.lastindexof('.') + 1);                 if(fileexts.contains(filetype))                 {                     string dir = system.io.path.combine(@dropboxfolder, filename);                     file.saveas(dir);                  }              }         }       public bool isreusable     {                 {             return false;         }     } 


$(document).ready(function () {  var box = document.getelementbyid("rmform"); box.addeventlistener("dragenter", ondragenter, false); box.addeventlistener("dragover", ondragover, false); box.addeventlistener("drop", ondrop, false);   var upload = function (files) {      var box = document.getelementbyid("box");     box.addeventlistener("dragenter", ondragenter, false);     box.addeventlistener("dragover", ondragover, false);     box.addeventlistener("drop", ondrop, false);       var data = new formdata();      (var = 0; < files.length; i++) {         data.append(files[i].name, files[i]);     }      $.ajax({         type: "post",         url: "filehandler.ashx",         contenttype: false,         processdata: false,         data: '{\'dhid\':\'' + $('#dhid').val() + '\', \'context\': \'' + data + '\'}',         datatype:"json",         success: function (result) {             alert(result);         },         error: function (xhr) {             alert("there error uploading files!");         }     }); };  function ondragenter(e) {     e.stoppropagation();     e.preventdefault(); }  function ondragover(e) {     e.stoppropagation();     e.preventdefault(); }  function ondrop(e) {     e.stoppropagation();     e.preventdefault();     upload(e.datatransfer.files);  } 


okay, i've solved it.

i should pass dhid in url instead of data.

$.ajax({     type: "post",     url: "filehandler.ashx?dhid=" + geturlparameter('dhid'),     contenttype: false,     processdata: false,     data: data,            success: function (result) {         alert(result);     },     error: function (xhr) {         alert("there error uploading files!");     } }); 


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