database - unable to connect python to external sql datatbase -

i have python program works fine xamp server when trying access database on hostinger. getting following errors :

traceback (most recent call last):   file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\mysql\connector\", line 472, in open_connection     self.sock.connect(sockaddr) timeouterror: [winerror 10060] connection attempt failed because connected party did not respond after period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed respond  during handling of above exception, exception occurred:  traceback (most recent call last):   file "f:/python_3.4/", line 5, in <module>     class database:   file "f:/python_3.4/", line 13, in database     cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='u341930730_m', password='abcd', host='', database='u341930730_rooms')   file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\mysql\connector\", line 179, in connect     return mysqlconnection(*args, **kwargs)   file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\mysql\connector\", line 95, in __init__     self.connect(**kwargs)   file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\mysql\connector\", line 719, in connect     self._open_connection()   file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\mysql\connector\", line 206, in _open_connection     self._socket.open_connection()   file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\mysql\connector\", line 475, in open_connection     errno=2003, values=(self.get_address(), _strioerror(err))) mysql.connector.errors.interfaceerror: 2003: can't connect mysql server on '' (10060 connection attempt failed because connected party did not respond after period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed respond)  process finished exit code 1 

here python program

import mysql.connector   class database:     rooms = []     appliances = []     status = []      column_count = 0     # create connection server     # enter server details here     cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='u341930730_m', password='abcd', host='', database='u341930730_rooms')       # create cursor object     cursor = cnx.cursor()      # function room names server     def get_all_rooms(self):         # query room names         database.cursor.execute("select roomname number_of_rooms")          # store room names in list named rooms defined @ begining of class         row in database.cursor.fetchall():             room = row[0]             self.rooms.append(room)      print("all rooms stored in list rooms")       # function appliance names server     # function requires table name in 'room' parameter     # function should called after function get_all_rooms     def get_column_names_of_room(self, room):         query = "describe " + room         database.cursor.execute(query)         # print column names         row in database.cursor.fetchall():             self.appliances.append(row[0])             #print(row[0])             database.column_count = database.column_count + 1         # return column_count         column_count = database.column_count         database.column_count = 0         return column_count       # function status of appliances tables in database     # function requires table name in 'room' , column count in 'column_count'     # function should called after get_all_column_names     def get_status_of_appliances(self, room, column_count):         query = "select * " + room         database.cursor.execute(query)         # print data         row in database.cursor.fetchall():             in range(1, column_count):                 self.status.append(row[i])                 #print(row[i])       # function clear lists     # need clear these lists storing data in dictionary , don't want duplicate data     def clear_appliance_and_status_list(self):         self.appliances.clear()         self.status.clear()      #function close connection     def close_connection(self):         database.cnx.close()   # _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ # main function body  # create dictionary workspace = {}  # create class object db = database()  db.get_all_rooms() print(db.rooms) room_name in db.rooms:     print(room_name)     column_count = db.get_column_names_of_room(room_name)     print(column_count)     print(db.appliances)     db.get_status_of_appliances(room_name, column_count)     print(db.status)      index in range(0,5):         app = db.appliances[index+1]         status = db.status[index]         workspace[app] = status       db.clear_appliance_and_status_list() print(workspace) #close database connection db.close_connection() 

please tell me wrong , corection if possible. in advance.


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