ios - UITableView with SearchView makes new cells overlap old ones on search -

iam implementing searchview filter data in uitableview. iam able search successfully, issue when uitableview data gets filtered, old cells still exist , filtered ones overlap them giving me messy output. have cleared table source suggested answers on so, still not resolved problem.

here iam trying do:


void searchfiler_textchanged(object sender, uisearchbartextchangedeventargs e) {

    if (!string.isnullorempty(e.searchtext))     {         pptable.source = null;         appdelegate.filteredlist = null;          pptable.reloaddata();         filteredmodellist = filter(dupes, e.searchtext);         madapter = new peopleplacessource(filteredmodellist, "");         pptable.source = madapter;         pptable.reloaddata();     }     else     {         pptable.source = null;         madapter = new peopleplacessource(dupes, "");         searchfiler.textchanged += searchfiler_textchanged;         madapter.tablerowselected += madapter_tablerowselected;         pptable.source = madapter;         pptable.reloaddata();     } } 


public override uitableviewcell getcell(uitableview tableview, foundation.nsindexpath indexpath)         {               cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecell("peopleplacescell_cell") peopleplacescell ?? peopleplacescell.create(); sublist = userlist.elementat(indexpath.row);                cell.updatepeopleplacescell(sublist);              return cell;          } 


 internal void updatepeopleplacescell(system.linq.igrouping<string, models.employeemodel> sublist)     {         var yposition =15;         var xposition = 10;          var imgdefault = new uiimageview();         imgdefault.frame = new coregraphics.cgrect(10, viewparent.frame.y, 60,60);         imgdefault.image = uiimage.fromfile("ic_appicon.png");         calayer profileimagecircle = imgdefault.layer;         profileimagecircle.cornerradius = 28;         profileimagecircle.borderwidth = 2;         profileimagecircle.bordercolor = new coregraphics.cgcolor(211, 34, 41);         profileimagecircle.maskstobounds = true;         imgdefault.clipstobounds = true;         viewparent.addsubview(imgdefault);           var labelusername = new uilabel();         labelusername.frame = new coregraphics.cgrect(0, 0, viewcontainer.frame.width, 30);         labelusername.textcolor = uicolor.fromrgb(211, 34, 41);         labelusername.text = sublist.key ;         labelusername.clipstobounds = true;          labelusername.font = uifont.boldsystemfontofsize(17);         viewcontainer.addsubview(labelusername);            var mlist = sublist.take(5);         foreach (var employeemodel in mlist)         {             var labelplace = new uilabel();             labelplace.frame = new coregraphics.cgrect(0, yposition, viewcontainer.frame.width, 50);              if (","))             {                 labelplace.text =,","));             }             else             {                 labelplace.text =;             }             labelplace.font = uifont.fromname(, 12f);             labelusername.sizetofit();                 labelplace.clipstobounds = true;             viewcontainer.addsubview(labelplace);               yposition += 15;             }     } 

how can solve this? appreciated

do have same problem after scroll? cells reused, don't see code removing added subviews. try remove subviews added, before reusing cells.


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