ios - How to define cache control for AWSS3TransferUtility -

i'm struggling define cache control when uploading images via awss3transferutility (aws-ios-sdk v2.4.x).

my simplified usage like:

let utility = awss3transferutility.s3transferutilityforkey("key") let data = uiimagejpegrepresentation(image, 0.9)!  let expression = awss3transferutilityuploadexpression() expression.progressblock = { (task, progress) in     onprogress?(progress: progress.fractioncompleted) }  transferutility.uploaddata(data, bucket: globalconfig.awss3defaultbucket, key: "image.jpeg", contenttype: "image/jpeg", expression: expression) { (task, error) in     // ... } 

my current focus on expression, calls expression.setvalue("max-age=3600", forrequestparameter: "cache-control") didn't work.


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