ruby on rails - formstatic belongs to and active admin -

i have problem active admin when try add new user role shows object id instead of string

i have in roles table admin , instructor how make display them user.rb file in admin directory

activeadmin.register user   form |f|     f.inputs "new user"       f.inputs :f_name       f.inputs :l_name       f.inputs :age       f.inputs :job_title       f.inputs :slug       f.inputs :birthdate       f.inputs :country       f.inputs :role       f.semantic_fields_for :images |fi|         fi.input :photo, :as => :file       end     end     f.button :submit    end end 

can me ?

you can following:

 f.inputs :role, :as => :select, :collection => # write here code produce `id`s saved in database, , string shown on web page.  


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