javascript - Sinon stub error with local storage in karma tests (es6 + jspm) -

i trying stub setitem , getitem methods of window.localstorage , experimenting issues can seen in screenshot:

enter image description here

the point don't know happens window.localstorage object seems different depending on property. when time comes stub setitem method, get

testing storage services localstorage "before each" hook "should return current name":      typeerror: attempted wrap string property setitem function       @ checkwrappedmethod (base/node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon.js:1355:29)       @ object.wrapmethod (base/node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon.js:1398:21)       @ object.stub (base/node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon.js:3465:26)       @ context.eval (client/js/common/services/storage/localstorage.spec.js!transpiled:30:14)       @ object.invoke (base/client/jspm_packages/github/angular/bower-angular@1.5.1/angular.js:4628:19)       @ context.workfn (base/client/jspm_packages/npm/angular-mocks@1.4.8/angular-mocks.js:2441:20)       @ window.inject.angular.mock.inject (base/client/jspm_packages/npm/angular-mocks@1.4.8/angular-mocks.js:2413:37)       @ context.eval (client/js/common/services/storage/localstorage.spec.js!transpiled:20:7) error: declaration location       @ window.inject.angular.mock.inject (base/client/jspm_packages/npm/angular-mocks@1.4.8/angular-mocks.js:2412:25)       @ context.eval (client/js/common/services/storage/localstorage.spec.js!transpiled:20:7) 

i using jspm client package/module manager. so, karma config file is:

basepath: './',      // frameworks use     // available frameworks:     frameworks: ['jspm', 'mocha', 'chai-as-promised', 'chai', 'sinon'],      // start these browsers     // available browser launchers:     browsers: ['chrome'],      // test results reporter use     // possible values: 'dots', 'progress'     // available reporters:     reporters: ['mocha'],      // continuous integration mode     // if true, karma captures browsers, runs tests , exits     singlerun: true,      // enable / disable colors in output (reporters , logs)     colors: true,      // list of files / patterns load in browser     files: [],      jspm: {       // edit needs       config: 'jspm.config.js',       packages: 'client/jspm_packages',       loadfiles: [         'client/js/common/services/**/*.spec.js'       ],        servefiles: [         'client/js/**/*.js',         'client/js/**/*.html',         'client/js/**/*.css'       ],       paths: {         'github:*': 'base/client/jspm_packages/github/*',         'npm:*': 'base/client/jspm_packages/npm/*',         'js/*': 'base/client/js/*'       },       urlroot: './'     },      proxies: {       '/client': '/base/client'     },      // list of files exclude     exclude: [],      // level of logging     // possible values: config.log_disable || config.log_error || config.log_warn || config.log_info || config.log_debug     loglevel: config.log_info,     client: {       captureconsole: true,       mocha: {         bail: false,         // require: 'should'         reporter: 'spec',         ui: 'bdd'       }     } 

the thing can if has had same issue and/or can provide hint come solution :-/



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