ruby on rails - Can you help me figure out what's wrong with my quiz show view? -

in show view, want display multiple choice quiz questions , answers, , add css classes of correct-answer, incorrect-answer, , normal-answer each answer displayed indicate answer 1. answered correctly user 2. answered incorrectly user, or 3. not answered @ (the user picked answer choice). in code, @submitted_quiz.submitted_answers contains answers user inputted.

<% question.answers.each |answer| %> <% @submitted_quiz.submitted_answers.each |submitted_answer| %>  <% if(submitted_answer.content == answer.content && == && submitted_answer.got_correct) %> <li><span class ='correct-answer'><%= answer.content %> correct </span></li>  <% elsif(submitted_answer.content == answer.content && == && submitted_answer.got_incorrect) %> <li><span class ='incorrect-answer'><%= answer.content %> incorrect</span></li>  <% else %> <li><span class ='normal-answer'> <%= answer.content %> normal</span></li>  <% end #  if statement%>  <% end # submitted_answers.each do%>  <% end # question.answers.each |answer|%> 

i know did wrong, can't seem fix it. ideas?


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