angularjs - Anular js Using with controllers how to change my div as replaced as another div on mouse over on a button? -

anular js using controllers how change div replaced div on mouse on over button ?

you can use ng-if or ng-show or ng-hide combined events directives ng-mouseover or ng-mouseenter , ng-mouseleave

function supercontroller($scope) {  	$scope.hovered = false;  }    angular.module('myapp', []);  angular      .module('myapp')      .controller('supercontroller', supercontroller)
<script src=""></script>  <div ng-app="myapp">    <div ng-controller="supercontroller s">      <button        ng-mouseover="hovered=true"        ng-mouseleave="hovered=false">hover me</button>      <div ng-if="hovered">shown if hovered</div>      <div ng-if="!hovered">shown if not hovered</div>    </div>  </div>


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