css - Using iTextSharp to export to PDF and repeat headers -
i have gone through quite few posts , tried suggested, header not being repeated on page webgrid flows on to.
here code :
public filestreamresult exportcombinedpdf(int projectid) { list<pipelinedetails> pipelist = new list<pipelinedetails>(); projectmanager pm = new projectmanager(); pipelist = pm.getpipelinelist(projectid); //this css styling webgrid string webgridstyle = pm.pipeline_htmlforexport(projectid); //this creating table other details being exported string projecthtml = pm.project_htmlforexport(projectid); webgrid grid = new webgrid(source: pipelist, canpage: false, cansort: false); string gridhtml = grid.gethtml(tablestyle: "webgrid", headerstyle: "webgridheader", alternatingrowstyle: "webgridalt", columns: grid.columns( grid.column("nodenumber", "node nr."), grid.column("accumulated_length", "accumulated length"), grid.column("elevation", "elevation"), grid.column("pipe_outside_diameter", "pipe outside diameter"), grid.column("wall_thickness", "wall thickness"), grid.column("control_point_description", "control point description"), grid.column("control_point_size", "control point size"))).tostring(); string exportdata = string.format("<html><body>{0}{1} <br /> {2}</body></html>", "<style>" + webgridstyle + "</style>", projecthtml, gridhtml); var bytes = system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes(exportdata); using (var input = new memorystream(bytes)) { var output = new memorystream(); var document = new itextsharp.text.document(pagesize.a4, 50, 50, 50, 50); var writer = pdfwriter.getinstance(document, output); font headerfont = fontfactory.getfont("verdana", 10); font rowfont = fontfactory.getfont("verdana", 10); writer.closestream = false; document.open(); var xmlworker = itextsharp.tool.xml.xmlworkerhelper.getinstance(); xmlworker.parsexhtml(writer, document, input, system.text.encoding.utf8); document.close(); output.position = 0; return file(output, "application/pdf", "pipeline_report.pdf"); //return new filestreamresult(output, "application/pdf"); } }
i have tried adding repeat-header:yes
css, did not work. tried adding following code below, did not work :
//this done before document opened : pdfptable table = new pdfptable(7); table.headerrows = 2; //this done before document closed : document.add(table);
but mentioned, did not work. cant imagine difficult set repeat header.
otherwise, next option set webgrid start on new page. possible ?
i appreciate help. thank you.
so able pagebreak work. thought giving me result wanted, post answer.
i changed exportdata string adding pagebreak :
string exportdata = string.format("<html><body>{0}{1} <p style='page-break-after:always;'></p> {2}</body></html>", "<style>" + webgridstyle + "</style>", projecthtml, gridhtml);
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