sql - VB.net Query on Datagrid view -

i need display value in datagrid not id. have 2 tables table1, having empid, receivedbyid, releasebyid, id's refer on table2 whereby table2 having id, name.

i required display on datagrid table1 respected name not id. ex table1 id's 1,3,3 table2 data is, 1 - name1, 2 - name2, 3-name3

output should be,

  name1, name3, name3 

for c#

         stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();          sb.appendline(" select b.name empname,c.name receivedby,d.name releasedby table1 ");          sb.appendline(" inner join table2 b on a.empid = b.id ");          sb.appendline(" inner join table2 c on a.receivedbyid = b.id ");          sb.appendline(" inner join table2 d on a.releasebyid = b.id ");           sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(myconstring);          sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sb.tostring(), conn);                 conn.open();                 datatable datatable = new datatable();                 sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter(cmd);                  da.fill(datatable);                   gridview.datasource = datatable;                 gridview.databind(); 

for vb

dim sb new stringbuilder() sb.appendline(" select b.name empname,c.name receivedby,d.name releasedby table1 ") sb.appendline(" inner join table2 b on a.empid = b.id ") sb.appendline(" inner join table2 c on a.receivedbyid = b.id ") sb.appendline(" inner join table2 d on a.releasebyid = b.id ")  dim conn new sqlconnection(myconstring) dim cmd new sqlcommand(sb.tostring(), conn) conn.open() dim datatable new datatable() dim da new sqldataadapter(cmd)  da.fill(datatable)   gridview.datasource = datatable gridview.databind() 

this code you.


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