keyboard events - How to post Extended ASCII chars (0x80 to 0xFF) using PostMessage in Delphi? -

i writing keyboard mapper application in need send extended ascii chars (0x80 0xff) current window. have tried below

function constructlparam(vkey: word): longint; // cardinal; begin { constructlparam }   if vkey > $ff     result := longint(mapvirtualkeyw(vkey, 0) , $00000fff or $f000) shl 16 or 1   else     result := longint(mapvirtualkey(vkey, 0) , $000000ff or $ff00) shl 16 or 1; end; { constructlparam }  procedure postcharacter(targetwinhandle: hwnd; unicodevalue: word; ime_msg, widefunction, simulatekey, sendmsg: boolean); begin { postcharacter }   if sendmsg  // sendmsg fn     if ime_msg //  ime msg       if widefunction //  wide fn         begin           if simulatekey             sendmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_keydown, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           sendmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_char, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           if simulatekey             sendmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_keyup, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), (constructlparam(unicodevalue) or $c0000000));         end       else                 //  not wide fn         begin           if simulatekey             sendmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_keydown, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           sendmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_char, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           if simulatekey             sendmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_keyup, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), (constructlparam(unicodevalue) or $c0000000));         end     else            //  not ime msg       if widefunction //  wide fn         begin           if simulatekey             sendmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_keydown, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           sendmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_char, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           if simulatekey             sendmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_keyup, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), (constructlparam(unicodevalue) or $c0000000));         end       else                 //  not wide fn         begin           if simulatekey             sendmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_keydown, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           sendmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_char, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           if simulatekey             sendmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_keyup, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), (constructlparam(unicodevalue) or $c0000000));         end   else             // not sendmsg fn     if ime_msg //  ime msg       if widefunction //  wide fn         begin           if simulatekey             postmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_keydown, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           postmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_char, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           if simulatekey             postmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_keyup, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), (constructlparam(unicodevalue) or $c0000000));         end       else                 //  not wide fn         begin           if simulatekey             postmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_keydown, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           postmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_char, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           if simulatekey             postmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_ime_keyup, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), (constructlparam(unicodevalue) or $c0000000));         end     else            //  not ime msg       if widefunction //  wide fn         begin           if simulatekey             postmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_keydown, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           postmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_char, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           if simulatekey             postmessagew(targetwinhandle, wm_keyup, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), (constructlparam(unicodevalue) or $c0000000));         end       else         begin           if simulatekey             postmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_keydown, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           postmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_char, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), constructlparam(unicodevalue));           if simulatekey             postmessage(targetwinhandle, wm_keyup, makewparam(unicodevalue, 0), (constructlparam(unicodevalue) or $c0000000));         end;  end; { postcharacter } 

but none of works in win64 (it use work fine under win32) :(

can please help, how post extended ascii chars (0x80 0xff) ?

thanks in advance


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