javascript - React Component adds classNames which aren't recognized because of imported css modules -
currently working on large project uses react , css modules. want implement 'react-anything-sortable' on bunch of list items.
so far implementation has gone standstill because 'react-anything-sortable' adds following classes child inside 'react-anything-component': .ui-sortable, .ui-sortable-item, .ui-draggable , .ui-sortable-placeholder. assume these classes passed 'react-anything-sortable' recognize dom elements being dragged, placed, etc.
i import list component's styles referencing .scss file so:
import styles './widgetlist.scss'
to use styles on component, need add styles.class use class:
<div classname={styles.container}>something</div>
therefore, it's understandable .ui-sortable being placed 'react-anything-sortable' has no way of referencing stylesheet since doesn't add .styles.
1 can see how other div elements have 'hashed' classname (indicating class in respective css modules have been found), however, div ui-sortable has class no way of accessing .scss file containing style properties of .ui-sortable
how fix this?
edit: here's how i'm implementing it
import react 'react'; import thinscrollbar 'components/scrollbars/thinscrollbar'; import purecomponent '../purecomponent'; import sortable 'react-anything-sortable'; import { sortable } 'react-anything-sortable'; import styles './widgetlist.scss'; @sortable class widgetlistitem extends purecomponent { render() { return ( <div {...this.props}> {this.props.children} </div> ) } } export default class widgetlist extends purecomponent { constructor() { super(); this.state = {}; } handlesort(data) { this.setstate({ result: data.join(' ') }); console.log(this.state.result) } togglecheckbox(evt) { console.log(evt) } render() { let items = [1,2,3,4,5,6] // todo: move widget creation own component <widgetitem/> const widgetitems = => { return ( <widgetlistitem classname="vertical" sortdata={i} key={i}> //<--- .ui-sortable-item added on render <div classname={styles.item} i={i}> <i classname={styles.fa}></i>{`widget ${i}`} <div classname={styles.checkbox} onclick={this.togglecheckbox}></div> </div> </widgetlistitem> ) }) return <div classname={styles.container}> <thinscrollbar> <sortable onsort={::this.handlesort} classname="vertical-container" direction="vertical"> //<--- .ui-sortable added on render {widgetitems} </sortable> </thinscrollbar> </div> } }
@import "../../theme/variables"; .container { width: 100%; height: calc((100% - 335px) / 2); -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; padding: 0 4px 0 10px; } .item { border-left: 5px solid #46484c; background-color: #303236; padding: 8px; min-height: 36px; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 15px; } .item:hover { background-color: #34363b; } .item:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 0; } .fa { display: inline-block; font: normal normal normal 14px/1 fontawesome; font-size: inherit; text-rendering: auto; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; color: #b7b7b7; margin-right: 8px; } .fa:before { content: '\f07b'; } .checkbox { width: 20px; height: 20px; float: right; background: url('img/checkboxes.gif') 0 0 no-repeat; } .activecheckbox { composes: checkbox; background-position: 0 -20; } .ui-sortable { display: block; position: relative; overflow: visible; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .ui-sortable:before, .ui-sortable:after { content: " "; display: table; } .ui-sortable:after { clear: both; } .ui-sortable .ui-sortable-item { float: left; cursor: move; } .ui-sortable .ui-sortable-item.ui-sortable-dragging { position: absolute; z-index: 1688; } .ui-sortable .ui-sortable-placeholder { display: none; } .ui-sortable .ui-sortable-placeholder.visible { display: block; z-index: -1; } .vertical-container { width: 200px; height:500px; padding: 10px; border: 1px #ccc solid; background-color: red; } .vertical.ui-sortable-item { float: none; display: block; width: 100%; padding: 10px 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; border: 1px #eee solid; background-color: red; }
if have no control on ui-sortable
classname, i.e. can't use css modules can instead export classnames 'global' classes:
/* hashed */ .activecheckbox { background-position: 0 -20px; } /* left 'ui-sortable' */ :global .ui-sortable { display: block; }
if have combination of global , local classnames in same selector can specify individual classnames 'global':
/* 'ui-sortable' left 'ui-sortable', 'bar' hashed */ :global(.ui-sortable) .bar { display: block; }
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