Deploy a Laravel App on Cloudfoundry -

i trying deploy laravel based web application swisscom application cloud. therefor use provided php buildpack. docs shows example lumen, assuming should work laravel well.

used command: cf push app-name -m 512m -n app-name

while deploying these 2 errors:


the extension 'fpm' not provided buildpack. extension 'tokenizer' not provided buildpack. extension 'dom' not provided buildpack. extension 'json' not provided buildpack. extension 'pcre' not provided buildpack. extension 'reflection' not provided buildpack. extension 'spl' not provided buildpack. 


generating autoload files > illuminate\foundation\composerscripts::postinstall > php artisan optimize php warning:  require(/tmp/app/bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php):failed open stream: no such file or directory in /tmp/app/bootstrap/autoload.php on line 17 php fatal error:  require(): failed opening required '/tmp/app/bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php'(include_path='../lib/php:/tmp/app/lib') in /tmp/app/bootstrap/autoload.php on line 17 script php artisan optimize handling post-install-cmd event returned error 

my options.json file:

{    "webdir": "public",    "php_version": "{php_70_latest}",    "php_extensions": [ "bz2", "zlib", "openssl", "fpm", "tokenizer", "curl", "mcrypt", "mbstring", "pdo", "pdo_mysql"] } 

thank help!

a => buildpack related , doesn't break anything. it's information these extension aren't available yet.

b => artisan isn't available @ staging time "optimize" command triggering in composer scripts (composer.json) won't work. didn't found proper solution yet, don't this.

your options.json need 1 more thing => "libdir": "" install composer vendor directory in app root.

best regards dave


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