Autocomplete TextBox in Asp.Net with C# -

can please me create autocomplete textbox in using c#. trying create end not working.

i used oracle 11g db.

below code

<asp:textbox id="textbox1" runat="server" autopostback="true"></asp:textbox>   <ajaxtoolkit:autocompleteextender servicemethod="getcompletionlist" minimumprefixlength="1"  completioninterval="10" enablecaching="false" completionsetcount="1" targetcontrolid="textbox1" id="autocompleteextender1" runat="server" firstrowselected="false">     </ajaxtoolkit:autocompleteextender>  c# code:  [webmethod]     []     []     public static list<string> getcompletionlist(string prefixtext, int count)     {         return autofillproducts(prefixtext);      }     []     []     private static list<string> autofillproducts(string prefixtext)     {         using (oracleconnection con = new oracleconnection("data source=;password=nchannel;persist security info=true;user id=nchannel"))         {              using (oraclecommand com = new oraclecommand())             {                 com.commandtext = "select * thread " + "summary @search + '%'";                 com.parameters.addwithvalue("@search", prefixtext);                 com.connection = con;       ;                 list<string> summ = new list<string>();                 using (oracledatareader sdr = com.executereader())                 {                     while (                     {                         summ.add(sdr["summary"].tostring());                     }                 }                 con.close();                 return summ;             }         }     } 


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