redirect_uri_mismatch error while creating a classroom through google classroom API -
i trying use google classroom api's integrate product. have created project in developer console , created oauth credentials.
downloaded client secret json file.
i trying create class in google classroom through api. code have used access follows:
using (var stream = new filestream(system.web.httpcontext.current.server.mappath("client_secret.json"),, { string credpath = system.environment.getfolderpath(system.environment.specialfolder.personal); credpath = path.combine(@"c:\googlekeys\.credentials\classroom-dotnet-quickstart.json"); credential = googlewebauthorizationbroker.authorizeasync(googleclientsecrets.load(stream).secrets, scopes, "user", cancellationtoken.none, new filedatastore(credpath, true)).result; }
when executing last step giving error error:
i have cross checked between developer console , json file both have same redirect uris. have done process other domains , has worked great.
confusing thing me each , every time run code, redirect uri in url changing.
run 1: redirect uri in request, http://localhost:51282/authorize/, not match ones authorized oauth client
run 2: redirect uri in request, http://localhost:44699/authorize/, not match ones authorized oauth client
i confused picking redirect url.
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