Inner List in Android -

i have problem lists.

i want implement scrollable big list, each element of contains text on left side , non-scrollable inner list on right side. (for example: name of flat , list of inhabitants names)

enter image description here

both lists should filled cursors , contain informatio them: want have oppurtunitz cursos fields when click element of inner list.

as far understood i's not possible solve 2 listviews. expandablelistview not pass me because not want expand first list, want have inner list visible.

do have ideas how can realize it?

try using listview big list, , empty linearlayout in each item. fill linearlayout of each item programmatically in big list adapters getview(..) method, int position item number. see also: android nested listview

edit: or use expandablelistview, items expand programmatically without animation expandgroup(int position, boolean animate). prevent collapsing setting expandablelistview.ongroupcollapselistener, in expand group again. (seems bit hacky)



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