c# - RabbitMQ Pub/Sub - Subscriber is not able to receive message -

i using sample code implement publish/subscribe using "fanout" exchange type. in below code subscriber not displaying 'hello word' message published.


 var factory = new connectionfactory() { hostname = "localhost" };         using (var connection = factory.createconnection())         using (var channel = connection.createmodel())         {             channel.exchangedeclare(exchange: "logs", type: "fanout");              var message = getmessage(args);             var body = encoding.utf8.getbytes(message);             channel.basicpublish(exchange: "logs",                                  routingkey: "",                                  basicproperties: null,                                  body: body);             console.writeline(" [x] sent {0}", message);         }          console.writeline(" press [enter] exit.");         console.readline();     }      private static string getmessage(string[] args)     {         return ((args.length > 0)                ? string.join(" ", args)                : "info: hello world!");     } 


 var factory = new connectionfactory() { hostname = "localhost" };         using (var connection = factory.createconnection())         using (var channel = connection.createmodel())         {             channel.exchangedeclare(exchange: "logs", type: "fanout");              var queuename = channel.queuedeclare().queuename;             channel.queuebind(queue: queuename,                               exchange: "logs",                               routingkey: "");              console.writeline(" [*] waiting logs.");              var consumer = new eventingbasicconsumer(channel);             consumer.received += (model, ea) =>             {                 var body = ea.body;                 var message = encoding.utf8.getstring(body);                 console.writeline(" [x] {0}", message);             };             channel.basicconsume(queue: queuename,                                  noack: true,                                  consumer: consumer);              console.writeline(" press [enter] exit.");             console.readline();         } 

code ref: https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-three-dotnet.html

as figured out works, need start subscriber first. why? answer on link provided. i'll quote 1 part here:

but that's not case our logger. want hear log messages, not subset of them. we're interested in currently flowing messages not in old ones. solve need 2 things.

firstly, whenever connect rabbit we need fresh, empty queue. create queue random name, or, better - let server choose random queue name us.

secondly, once disconnect consumer queue should automatically deleted.

this means queue created when start subscriber, , @ point, exchange has queue put message in. since fist start publisher, there no queue message end in.


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