php - Remote Connection from the ssh2_exec to another remote and access to shell of new connection -

i have connected remote server using ssh2-connect , , using ssh2_exec run command "sshpass -p 'xxxx1248' ssh xx@1x2.1xx.3x.xx " , if connected new remote server want access shell. have task run command on there in second remote server. how ??

$connection = ssh2_connect($sip, $iport);  $autherised = ssh2_auth_password($connection, $susername, $spassword); $oresult = ssh2_exec($connection, "sshpass -p 'xxxx1248' ssh xx@1x2.1xx.3x.xx"); 

how access shell of ip 1x2.1xx.3x.xx.

please solve if 1 has done before ....

i provide code snippet run "ls" command on target machine. let me know if want.

$conn = ssh2_connect($host, $port); ssh2_auth_password($conn, $user, $pass); // runs ls -al command on $targethost $stream = ssh2_exec($conn,     "sshpass -p '{$passtarget}' ssh $targetuser@$targethost ls -al" );  // retrieving data stream_set_blocking($stream, true); $output = ssh2_fetch_stream($stream, ssh2_stream_stdio);  echo stream_get_contents($output); 

this code outputs directory listing on $targethost machine.

i hope helps.


i add example here:

on target machine, created small bash script,

export test_var=1 

then changed ssh2_exec line to:

$stream = ssh2_exec($conn,     "sshpass -p '{$passtarget}' ssh $targetuser@$targethost 'source; echo \$test_var'" ); 

i expected result: 1


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