c# - Not able to access JSON datas -

i trying loop through json object , create input type dynamically in div

here jquery function

$(document).ready(function (){      $.ajax({      type: "post",      url: "tables.aspx/totatable",       contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",      datatype:'json',              success: function(data) {       //var data= $.parsejson(data);      $.each(data,function(index,jsonobj)           {              alert(jsonobj.otid);           }           );          }      });    


here server side code return json values using json.net framework convert datatable json

[system.web.services.webmethod(enablesession=true)]    public static string totatable()    {        logindata ldata = (logindata)httpcontext.current.session["ldata"];        clsdataaccess cdata = new clsdataaccess();        datatable dt = cdata.gettable("select otid,ottableno      fboutlettables otoutletid=1");        string val=jsonconvert.serializeobject(dt).tostring();        return val;    } 

here json value sent client side


my problem alert(jsonobj.otid); shows 'undefined'

i did try changing server side function return list


public static list<tables> tables() {  list<tables> mylist=new list<tables>();  //code datas database  foreach(datarow row in dt.rows)  {    mylist.add(new tables{    tabid=row["tabid"].tostring();    tables=row["tab"].tostring();    });  }  return mylist;  } 

but facing same issue..

finally got working

here jquery code

var obj={}; obj.id=id;     $.ajax({     type:"post",     url:"tables.aspx/itemsfromcategory",     data: json.stringify(obj),     contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",     datatype:'json'            }).done(function(res) {         var resultasjson = res.d;  $.each(resultasjson, function (index, resobject) {  alert(resobject.id);   }); } }); 

i did change server side code this

   public static list<itemclass> itemsfromcategory(string id)    {        logindata ldata = (logindata)httpcontext.current.session["ldata"];         system.web.script.serialization.javascriptserializer ser = new system.web.script.serialization.javascriptserializer();        list<itemclass> mylist = new list<itemclass>();        if (ldata != null)        {            clsdataaccess cdata = new clsdataaccess();            datatable dt = cdata.gettable("select itmid,itmname fbitemdetails itmtype='i' , itmisprimary='n' , itmoutletid=" + ldata.fboutletid + " , itmgrpid=" + id);           // datatable dt = cdata.gettable("select itmid,itmname fbitemdetails itmtype='i' , itmisprimary='n' , itmgrpid=" + id);            foreach (datarow row in dt.rows)            {                mylist.add(new itemclass                {                    id = row["itmid"].tostring(),                    itemname=row["itmname"].tostring(),                 });             }           // result = ser.serialize(mylist);        //    return result;            return mylist;        }       // return string.empty;        return mylist;      } 


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