omnet++ - How do channels work with inout gates? -

first of know inout gates composed of input , output gates stuck together. leads me following questions

  • when channel assigned connection between 2 inout gates in ned, input , output gate share channel, or 2 different channels created?
  • say, had vector of inout gates, if used getbaseid, base id of gates in vector. if iterated through vector gate using each increment on base id inout gate, or input/output gate?

what trying is, dynamically add inout gates gate vector, dynamically modify properties of channels of previous inout gates part of vector. started using omnetpp, , have read manual , lot of things on internet, couldn't find answer these.

  • the 2 gates connect 2 independent channel objects
  • there no such thing 'vector of inout gate'. there 2 separate gate vectors. 1 name 'gatename$i' other 'gatename$o' each 1 separate gate vector. (with possibly differet baseids). think

mod1.gatea[2] <--> mod2.gateb[5]

as shorthand

mod1.gatea$o[2] --> mod2.gateb$i[5]     mod1.gatea$i[2] <-- mod2.gateb$o[5] 


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