javascript - AngularJS - Call Directive from Controller on ng-click -


<li>              <a ng-href ng-click="startstreaming(camera);">{{}}<i class="fa fa-tv"></i></a> </li>  <object events="true" id="vlc" codebase=""  classid="clsid:9be31822-fdad-461b-ad51-be1d1c159921"> <embed width="800" height="650" loop="no" autoplay="yes" version="videolan.vlcplugin.2"  type="application/x-google-vlc-plugin" id="vlc" embed-src="" src=""> </object> 


cameramodule.controller('streamingctrl', ['$scope', '$rootscope', 'cameramoduleserviceapi', '$timeout', 'svc', '$q', 'sharedservice','mysharedservice',     function ($scope, $rootscope, cameramoduleserviceapi, $timeout, svc, $q, sharedservice, mysharedservice) {     var rtspobj = null;     $scope.startstreaming = function (data) {          // request start streaming         var jason_start_streme = { "start_streamer_request": { "command ": 1, "cameraid": 123, "streamingmedium": 0 } };         cameramoduleserviceapi.start_streme(jason_start_streme).then(function (data) {          $rootscope.$watch(svc.getmessage, function (v) {             $timeout(function () {                 if (v != '') {                      rtspobj = angular.fromjson(v.content);                     $rootscope.camerartspurl = rtspobj.start_streamer_response.rtspurl;                     console.log("camera click : " + $rootscope.camerartspurl);                     sharedservice.prepforbroadcast($rootscope.camerartspurl);                         $scope.$apply();                 }             });         }); }; 


myapp.directive('embedsrc', function () {     return {         restrict: 'a',         link: function (scope, element, attrs) {             var current = element;             scope.$watch(attrs.embedsrc, function () {                                 var clone = element.clone().attr('src', scope.camerartspurl);                 current.replacewith(clone);                 current = clone;             });          }     }; }); 


when function startstreaming called, video url fetched in controller , directive called change embed src , play video.

how can call directive when startstreaming clicked, passing video url controller directive , changing embed src ?


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