laravel - Calling the controller i'm in : not found -

i'm trying implement paypal api

namespace app\http\controllers;  use paypal; use redirect;  class paypalpaymentcontroller extends controller{    private $_apicontext;    public function __construct()   {     $this->_apicontext = paypal::apicontext(     config('services.paypal.client_id'),     config('services.paypal.secret'));      $this->_apicontext->setconfig(array(       'mode' => 'sandbox',       'service.endpoint' => '',       'http.connectiontimeout' => 30,       'log.logenabled' => true,       'log.filename' => storage_path('logs/paypal.log'),       'log.loglevel' => 'fine'     ));    }    public function getcheckout()   {     $payer = paypal::payer();     $payer->setpaymentmethod('paypal');      $amount = paypal:: amount();     $amount->setcurrency('eur');     $amount->settotal(500); // simple way,     // can alternatively describe in order separately;     // reference paypal php rest sdk details.      $transaction = paypal::transaction();     $transaction->setamount($amount);     $transaction->setdescription('altaro vm backup');      $redirecturls = paypal:: redirecturls();     $redirecturls->setreturnurl(action('paypalpaymentcontroller@getdone'));     $redirecturls->setcancelurl(action('paypalpaymentcontroller@getcancel'));      $payment = paypal::payment();     $payment->setintent('sale');     $payment->setpayer($payer);     $payment->setredirecturls($redirecturls);     $payment->settransactions(array($transaction));      $response = $payment->create($this->_apicontext);     $redirecturl = $response->links[1]->href;      return redirect::to( $redirecturl );   }    public function getdone(request $request)   {     $id = $request->get('paymentid');     $token = $request->get('token');     $payer_id = $request->get('payerid');      $payment = paypal::getbyid($id, $this->_apicontext);      $paymentexecution = paypal::paymentexecution();      $paymentexecution->setpayerid($payer_id);     $executepayment = $payment->execute($paymentexecution, $this->_apicontext);      // clear shopping cart, write database, send notifications, etc.      // thank user purchase     return "merci pour votre achat";   }    public function getcancel()   {     // curse , humiliate user cancelling sacred payment (yours)     return "erreur";   }  } 

as can see in controller i'm trying call other function of controller i'm in :

$redirecturls->setreturnurl(action('paypalpaymentcontroller@getdone')); $redirecturls->setcancelurl(action('paypalpaymentcontroller@getcancel')); 

but have following error :

invalidargumentexception in urlgenerator.php line 602: action app\http\controllers\paypalpaymentcontroller@getdone not defined. 

i don't understand how possible... checked multiple times spelling, everything's correct here.

any thoughts ?


i tried :

$redirecturls->setreturnurl(route('paypal.done')); $redirecturls->setcancelurl(route('paypal.cancel')); 

with these routes:

route::get('done', [   'as' => 'paypal.done',   'uses' => 'paypalpaymentcontroller@getdone' ]);  route::get('cancel', [   'as' => 'paypal.cancel',   'uses' => 'paypalpaymentcontroller@getcancel' ]); 

it works !

i think have define route methods, otherwise url cannot build , returns error.


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