java - Configure build-in the Jackson MapDeserializer -

i have project spring mvc , wanna invoke method "setignorableproperties" mapdeserializer globally, dont know how class objectmapper, can me? thx advice. see it, that:

@override public void extendmessageconverters(list<httpmessageconverter<?>> converters) {     mapdeserializer.getcontenttype();     converters.foreach(httpmessageconverter -> {         if (httpmessageconverter instanceof mappingjackson2httpmessageconverter) {             mappingjackson2httpmessageconverter converter = (mappingjackson2httpmessageconverter) httpmessageconverter;             objectmapper mapper = converter.getobjectmapper();             mapdeserializer mapdes = mapper.(what have invoke?) ;             mapdes.setignorableproperties({"@id", "@ref"});         }     }); } 

that property not meant configured directly; need use @jsonignoreproperties annotation map-valued properties. can create convenience annotation, if want, by:

@retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) // important @jacksonannotationsinside @jsonignoreproperties({ "@id", "@ref" }) public @interface mapignorals 

and use like:

public class stuff {    @mapignorals public map<string,object> values; } 


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