Interactive output directory r -

is there function/package in r allows choose output folders going stored? wrote script reads several xlsx files , store them folders in computer. use script in several computers, cannot use

path <- "c:/users/dev/desktop/test/"

since change every time. tried

path <- choose.dir(default = "", "choose output path")

but don't output.

this code:

setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getactivedocumentcontext()$path))    library(xlsx)  library(tcltk)    #get file names  f = list.files("./")    #read files  dat <- lapply(tk_choose.files(caption="choose files"), function(i) {    x <- read.xlsx(i, sheetindex = 1, sheetname = null, startrow = 24,                   endrow = null, = true, header = false, filters = filters[c("xlsx")])    #return columns names , colors    x <- x[, c(2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19), drop = false]    #return data    x  })    library(plyr)  df1 <- ldply(dat, data.frame) ## convert list dataframe    #remove na's  complete.cases(df1)  x <- df1[complete.cases(df1),]  str(x)    #show specific rows  df1$x2 <- gsub("[[:punct:]]","-",df1$x2)  df <-df1[grepl("^[0-9]|^[a-za-z][0-9].*", df1$x2), ]    #output path  pth <- choose.dir(default = "", "choose output path")    # iteratate within each row of df  for(i in 1:nrow(df)){    if (!file.exists(pth))      # create 1st path      dir.create(paste0(pth , df$x2[i]), na.omit(df$x2[i]))    # create 2nd , 3rd paths    dir.create(paste0(pth, df$x2[i], "/",df$x5[i]), na.omit(df$x2[i]))    dir.create(paste0(pth, df$x2[i], "/",df$x7[i]), na.omit(df$x2[i]))    dir.create(paste0(pth, df$x2[i], "/",df$x9[i]), na.omit(df$x2[i]))    dir.create(paste0(pth,  df$x2[i], "/",df$x11[i]), na.omit(df$x2[i]))    dir.create(paste0(pth,  df$x2[i], "/",df$x13[i]), na.omit(df$x2[i]))    dir.create(paste0(pth,  df$x2[i], "/",df$x15[i]), na.omit(df$x2[i]))    dir.create(paste0(pth,  df$x2[i], "/",df$x17[i]), na.omit(df$x2[i]))    dir.create(paste0(pth,  df$x2[i], "/",df$x19[i]), na.omit(df$x2[i]))  }


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