javascript - Password protected chrome extension -

i made chrome extension runs , job intended for. need make extension password protected , can use application gmail user , password.

i have experience using google authentication using google apis client library , can implement in application. in case, google users can run application. thought storing file list allowed users emails. however, chrome extensions open edit has little experience extension development can find , edit file.

are there suggestions?

code runs on extension on my machine code, not yours. can control , execution of extension, including altering code on disk , reloading extension in chrome.

i can break , protections , defences place in pretty trivial matter. , i'm pretty proficient deobfuscating jumbled code, don't think going way.

keep authentication logic on server, more generally, keep anything needs absolute control on server. don't care if mess extension , see red background instead of blue, care if can access things shouldn't.


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