java - Running kafka consumer(new Consumer API) forever -

i have built queueing system on apache kafka. application produce messages particular kafka topic , @ consumer end have consume records produced topic.
wrote consumer using new java consumer api. code looks

  properties props = new properties();                        props.put("bootstrap.servers", kafkabrokerip+":9092");                        props.put("",groupid);                        props.put("", "true");                      props.put("", "30000");                      props.put("auto.offset.reset", "earliest");         props.put("key.deserializer","org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.stringdeserializer");         props.put("value.deserializer","org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.stringdeserializer");         kafkaconsumer<string, string> consumer = new kafkaconsumer(props);                      consumer.subscribe(arrays.aslist("consumertest"));                        while (true) {                            consumerrecords<string, string> records = consumer.poll(100);                            (consumerrecord<string, string> record : records){                                system.out.println("data recieved : "+record.value());                                }                        } 

here need run consumer forever record pushed kafka topic producer should instantly consumed , processed.
confusion is, right way use infinite while loop (like in sample code) consume data ?

it works me, might want put inner loop in try/catch block in case throw exceptions. consider periodic reconnect task if disconnect.


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