To develop a testing tool -
now, trying develop testing tool, can make unit testing. mean want use junit in testing tool test other projects. don't know how insert junit testing tool. possible , how? , there other open-source testing tool can inserted testing tool?
to use junit api make sure got jar in classpath
to use junit tests need testing class extend systemtestcase4 , function have @test annotation above if want code run before test use function @before , if want after use function @after
public class basetest extends systemtestcase4 { @before public void beforeeachtest() throws exception { } @test @testproperties(name = "test test ") public void testtest() throws exception { //run tested code } @after public void aftereachtest() throws exception { }
as how test projects depend tests want do? unit testing add own tests inside projects integration, functional or other tests need understand how "attack" it, meaning if it's ui tests web use tools (selenium example) if it's checking network use jmeter
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