Logout from Facebook Programatically iOS -

i know question has been asked on lot of pages, unfortunately non of them worked me!! problem facebook use safari when logged in, when try logout app keep credentials , cookies of safari. in other words, way logout correctly open safari , logout facebook. question is, there work around way?

fbsdkloginmanager *loginmanager = [fbsdkloginmanager new]; [loginmanager logout];

i tried

[fbsdkaccesstoken setcurrentaccesstoken:nil]; [fbsdkprofile setcurrentprofile:nil];

although being called inside logout method :(

finally tried removing cookies

nshttpcookiestorage* cookies = [nshttpcookiestorage     sharedhttpcookiestorage];         nsarray* facebookcookies = [cookies cookiesforurl:                                     [nsurl   urlwithstring:@"http://login.facebook.com"]];         (nshttpcookie* cookie in facebookcookies) {             [cookies deletecookie:cookie];         } 

no luck @ !!!!


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