ios - Image view added in collection view cell doesn't apply added constraints -

i've added image uicollectionviewcell , added constraints following image.

cell constraints


  • width of imageview = width of cell
  • height of imageview = height of cell
  • align imageview vertically in container (cell)
  • align imageview horizontally in container (cell)

i'm deciding cell size @ run time using uicollectionviewdelegate method.

func collectionview(collectionview: uicollectionview, layout collectionviewlayout: uicollectionviewlayout, sizeforitematindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> cgsize {     // calculating cell size , returning } 


in cellforitematindexpath method, when checked cell size , image view size both have different values. cell {w:82.0, h:145.77}, imageview {w:380.0,h:170}. image has same frame size set on storyboard. not adjusting based on constraints. there anyway can ensure have same size of cell ?

current fix: (?)

cell.imageview.frame = cell.bounds 

but doesn't make sense. why need set size explicitly, why constraints not applied?

check answer marius soutier: uicollectionview: different size items not calculated on reused items

the comment below answer solution looking for.

basically, have call reloaddata before return cgsize sizeforitematindexpath:.


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