javascript - How to use SetState to get data after submit some information in a form? -

import react 'react'  export default class form extends react.component{ /// handle submit  handlesubmit(e){ e.preventdefault(); } /// handle patientname handlepatientname(e) {     this.setstate({         patientname:     }) } // handle patient disease handlepatientdisease(e){     this.setstate({         patientdisease:     }) }     // handle patient present illness     handlepatientpresentillness(e){     this.setstate({         patientpresentillness:     }) }   render () {     return ( <form>      <ul>         <li>             <label> patient name</label>             <input type="text" name="patientname" placeholder="nome paciente"  onchange={this.handlepatientname} />          </li>         <li>             <label> patient disease              <input type="text" name="patientdisease" placeholder="disease"/>             </label>         </li>         <li>             <label> histórico              <input type="text" name="patientpresentillness" placeholder="historia paciente"/>             </label>         </li>           <li>             <button type="button" onclick={this.handlesubmit}> submit </button>         </li>     </ul>  </form>            );    } } 

objective: data form , display in other page(sidebar.js) after submit informations in form, want informations using setstate , display patientname in list. how do using setstate?

first of all, code has several problems:

  1. use onchange instead of onchange:

    <input type="text" onchange={this.handlepatientname} /> 
  2. your event handlers not bound class instance, this undefined in callback , this.setstate() fail. can solve using .bind(this):


    or binding handlers in constructor:

    constructor(){     this.handlepatientname = this.handlepatientname.bind(this); } 

    or using class properties , defining handlers arrow functions:

    handlepatientname = (e) => {    } 
  3. you should name component form or other form, since form used html form element.

  4. once done, still not exposing form state "other pages". should provide callback props pass data outside component:

    handlepatientname = (e) => {     let patientname =;     this.setstate({ patientname });     this.props.onpatientnamechange(patientname); } 

    now parent page can capture changes:

    class parent extends react.component {     handlepatientnamechange = (patientname) => {         console.log("patient name changed to:", patientname);     }     render() {         return (             <form onpatientnamechange={this.handlepatientnamechange} />         );     } } 


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