android - Fail to connect to camera service cause null -

using twilio , when receiving call front camera fail load.

note : works fine when calling.

error message : unable open camera camera 1, facing front, orientation 270:fail connect camera service cause null


  cameracapturer= cameracapturerfactory.createcameracapturer(this, cameracapturer.camerasource.camera_source_front_camera, capturererrorlistener())  /* 

* cameracapture error listener */

 public capturererrorlistener capturererrorlistener() {     return new capturererrorlistener() {         @override         public void onerror(capturerexception e) {              log.e(tag, "camera capturer error: " + e.getmessage()+" cause  "+e.getcause());          }     }; } 


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