populating jtable with sql server database -

public inventoryjframe() throws classnotfoundexception {     try {         initcomponents();         class.forname("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.sqlserverdriver" );         stringstringcon="jdbc:sqlserver://aayanpc;databasename=qseal;user=sa;password=123";          connection con=drivermanager.getconnection(stringcon);         statement state=con.createstatement();         resultset rs=state.executequery("select * qseal");         resultsetmetadata rsmetadata=rs.getmetadata();         int columns=rsmetadata.getcolumncount();         defaulttablemode1 dtm=new defaulttablemode1();     }        catch (sqlexception ex) {          logger.getlogger(inventoryjframe.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex);     } } 

i error in line defaulttablemode1 dtm=new defaulttablemode1();. error "cannot find symbol" , in hint says create pachkage defaulttablename in source pack

according what “cannot find symbol” compilation error mean?

a "cannot find symbol" error identifiers. when code compiled, compiler needs work out each , every identifier in code means.

a "cannot find symbol" error means compiler cannot this. your code appears referring compiler doesn't understand.

i suppose have spelling error when taping defaulttablemodel. ends character l instead of digit 1.


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