c++ - Stack overflow when trying to implement lock-free queue -

implemented lock-free queue based on algorithm specified in maged m. michael , michael l. scott work simple, fast, , practical non-blocking , blocking concurrent queue algorithms (for algorithm, jump page 4)

i used atomic operation on shared_ptr such std::atomic_load_explicit etc.

when using queue in 1 thread only, fine, when using different thread, stack overflow exception.

i not trace source of problem unfortunately. seems when 1 shared_ptr getting out of scope, decrements number of references on next concurrentqueuenode , causes infinite recursion, can't see why..

the code:

the queue node:

template<class t> struct concurrentqueuenode {     t m_data;     std::shared_ptr<concurrentqueuenode> m_next;      template<class ... args>     concurrentqueuenode(args&& ... args) :         m_data(std::forward<args>(args)...) {}      std::shared_ptr<concurrentqueuenode>& getnext() {         return m_next;     }      t getvalue() {         return std::move(m_data);     }  }; 

the concurrent queue (note: not faint hearted):

template<class t> class concurrentqueue {     std::shared_ptr<concurrentqueuenode<t>> m_head, m_tail;  public:  concurrentqueue(){     m_head = m_tail = std::make_shared<concurrentqueuenode<t>>(); }  template<class ... args> void push(args&& ... args) {     auto node = std::make_shared<concurrentqueuenode<t>>(std::forward<args>(args)...);     std::shared_ptr<concurrentqueuenode<t>> tail;      (;;) {         tail = std::atomic_load_explicit(&m_tail, std::memory_order_acquire);         std::shared_ptr<concurrentqueuenode<t>> next =              std::atomic_load_explicit(&tail->getnext(),std::memory_order_acquire);          if (tail == std::atomic_load_explicit(&m_tail, std::memory_order_acquire)) {             if (next.get() == nullptr) {                 auto currentnext = std::atomic_load_explicit(&m_tail, std::memory_order_acquire)->getnext();                 auto res = std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&tail->getnext(), &next, node);                 if (res) {                     break;                 }             }             else {                 std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&m_tail, &tail, next);             }         }     }      std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&m_tail, &tail, node); }  bool trypop(t& dest) {     std::shared_ptr<concurrentqueuenode<t>> head;     (;;) {         head = std::atomic_load_explicit(&m_head, std::memory_order_acquire);         auto tail = std::atomic_load_explicit(&m_tail,std::memory_order_acquire);         auto next = std::atomic_load_explicit(&head->getnext(), std::memory_order_acquire);          if (head == std::atomic_load_explicit(&m_head, std::memory_order_acquire)) {             if (head.get() == tail.get()) {                 if (next.get() == nullptr) {                     return false;                 }                 std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&m_tail, &tail, next);             }             else {                 dest = next->getvalue();                 auto res = std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&m_head, &head, next);                 if (res) {                     break;                 }             }         }     }      return true; } }; 

example usage reproduces problem :

int main(){     concurrentqueue<int> queue;     std::thread threads[4];  (auto& thread : threads) {     thread = std::thread([&queue] {          (auto = 0; < 100'000; i++) {             queue.push(i);             int y;             queue.trypop(y);         }     }); }  (auto& thread : threads) {     thread.join(); } return 0; } 

the problem race condition can lead every node in queue waiting freed @ once - recursive , blows stack.

if change test use 1 thread don't pop, same stack overflow error every time.

for (auto = 1; < 100000; i++) {   queue.push(i);   //int y;   //queue.trypop(y); } 

you need unrecursive-ize deleting chain of nodes:

__forceinline ~concurrentqueuenode() {     if (!m_next || m_next.use_count() > 1)         return;     killchainofdeath(); } void killchainofdeath() {     auto pthis = this;     std::shared_ptr<concurrentqueuenode> next, prev;     while (1) {         if (pthis->m_next.use_count() > 1)           break;         next.swap(pthis->m_next); // unwire node         prev = null; // free previous node unwired in previous loop         if (!(pthis = next.get())) // move next node             break;         prev.swap(next); // else next.swap free before unwire.     } } 

i have never used shared_ptr before, don't know if there faster way this. also, since have never used shared_ptr before, don't know if algorithm suffer aba issues. unless there special in shared_ptr implementation prevent aba worry freed nodes reused, spoofing cas. never seemed have problem though when ran code.


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