sql - Selecting unique values from self-referencing table -

suppose have following data in table named my_tabel:

╔═══════════╦═════════════╦════════════╗ ║  id       ║ person_name ║ partner_id ║  ╠═══════════╬═════════════╬════════════╬ ║  101      ║  john       ║ 3          ║  ║  100      ║  miller     ║ 0          ║  ║  3        ║  ruby       ║ 101        ║  ║  180      ║  jack       ║ 0          ║  ║  199      ║  george     ║ 65         ║ ║  23       ║  joseph     ║ 0          ║ ║  34       ║  fredrick   ║ 117        ║ ║  117      ║  jinan      ║ 34         ║ ║  122      ║  verena     ║ 0          ║ ║  65       ║  mary       ║ 199        ║ ╚═══════════╩═════════════╩════════════╝ 

where 0 values in partner_id column indicates he/she single.

we need display partnered persons without repeating or duplication, desired result should like:

╔═════════════╦══════════════╗ ║ person_name ║ partner_name ║  ╠═════════════╬══════════════╬ ║  john       ║  ruby        ║  ║  george     ║  mary        ║ ║  fredrick   ║ jinan        ║ ╚═════════════╩══════════════╝ 

what best sql query returns above results?

i'm using code:

select       t1.name, t2.name            my_tabel t1 inner join  my_tabel t2 on (t2.id = t1.partner_id) 

but returned result is:

╔═════════════╦══════════════╗ ║ person_name ║ partner_name ║  ╠═════════════╬══════════════╬ ║  john       ║  ruby        ║  ║  ruby       ║  john        ║ ║  george     ║  mary        ║ ║  mary       ║  george      ║ ║  fredrick   ║  jinan       ║ ║  jinan      ║  fredrick    ║    ╚═════════════╩══════════════╝ 

how sql statement should updated (or replaced another) desired results?

just add condition 1 side of each pair:

select t1.name, t2.name           my_table t1 inner join      my_table t2      on (t2.id = t1.partner_id) t1.id < t2.id; 


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