scala - "Filename too long" in sbt assembly inside a docker container -

i have scala play project , need create fat jar in docker build time error:

[warn] error extracting zip entry [...] (file name long)

i tried adding option scalacoptions ++= seq("-xmax-classfile-name","72") in build.sbt doesn't works. tried appending -xmax-classfile-name=72 sbt assembly same result.

as need in docker build time, can't use mounted volume mentioned here

what need fix this?

in /project/plugins.sbt

addsbtplugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.13.0") 

and in build.sbt

assemblyjarname in assembly := "jarname.jar" target in assembly := basedirectory.value 

then run command "assembly" project root , should generate jar file.


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