reactjs - Show DrawerLayoutAndroid via ToolbarAndroid using Navigator (React Native) -
i'm new react native , i'm doing simple android app. added drawerlayoutandroid can drag left of screen. i'd open when click on menu icon in toolbarandroid having navigator gave me error
"undefined not object (evaluating 'this.refs['drawer']')"
then solved mistake got 1 being
"undefined not object (evaluating 'this.props.sidebarref').
my code this:
'use strict'; import react, { component } 'react'; import { stylesheet, view, text } 'react-native'; var toolbarandroid = require('toolbarandroid'); class mytoolbar extends component { render() { var navigator = this.props.navigator; return ( <toolbarandroid title={this.props.title} navicon={require('./icons/ic_menu_white_24dp.png')} style = {styles.toolbar} titlecolor={'white'} oniconclicked={this._oniconclicked}/> ); } _oniconclicked(){ this.props.sidebarref.refs['drawer'].opendrawer(); } } const styles = stylesheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, alignitems: 'center', backgroundcolor: '#f5fcff', }, toolbar: { height: 56, backgroundcolor: '#08ae9e', width: 370, alignitems: 'center' } }); module.exports = mytoolbar;
'use strict'; import react, { component } 'react'; import { stylesheet, view, text, navigator, touchablehighlight, touchableopacity, drawerlayoutandroid, scrollview, } 'react-native'; var toolbarandroid = require('toolbarandroid'); var mytoolbar = require('./mytoolbar'); var menuitem = require('./menuitem'); class opendrawefromtoolbar extends component { render() { var navigationview = ( <view style={{flex: 1, backgroundcolor: '#fff'}}> <text style={{margin: 10, fontsize: 15, textalign: 'left'}}>i'm in drawer!</text> <menuitem title="calendar" selected={this.props.activetab === 'calendar'} //onpress={this.ontabselect.bind(this, 'schedule')} icon={require('./icons/ic_today_black_24dp.png')} //selectedicon={scheduleiconselected} /> <menuitem title="offers" selected={this.props.activetab === 'offers'} //onpress={this.ontabselect.bind(this, 'schedule')} icon={require('./icons/ic_today_black_24dp.png')} //selectedicon={scheduleiconselected} /> <menuitem title="boats" selected={this.props.activetab === 'boats'} //onpress={this.ontabselect.bind(this, 'schedule')} icon={require('./icons/ic_directions_boat_black_24dp.png')} //selectedicon={scheduleiconselected} /> <menuitem title="profile" selected={this.props.activetab === 'profile'} //onpress={this.ontabselect.bind(this, 'schedule')} icon={require('./icons/ic_account_circle_black_24dp.png')} //selectedicon={scheduleiconselected} /> </view> ); return ( <drawerlayoutandroid drawerwidth={300} drawerposition={drawerlayoutandroid.positions.left} rendernavigationview={() => navigationview} ref={'drawer'}> <mytoolbar style={styles.toolbar} title={'calendar'} navigator={this.props.navigator} sidebarref={this}/> <view style={{flex: 1, alignitems: 'center'}}> <text style={{margin: 10, fontsize: 15, textalign: 'right'}}>hello</text> <text style={{margin: 10, fontsize: 15, textalign: 'right'}}>world!</text> </view> </drawerlayoutandroid> ); } gotopersonpage() { this.props.navigator.push({ id: 'personpage', name: 'hola', }); } _setdrawer() { this.refs['drawer'].opendrawer(); } } const styles = stylesheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, alignitems: 'center', backgroundcolor: '#f5fcff', }, toolbar: { height: 200, backgroundcolor: '#08ae9e', width: 370, alignitems: 'center' } }); module.exports = opendrawefromtoolbar;
and calendarpage.js
'use strict'; import react, { component } 'react'; import { stylesheet, view, text, navigator, touchablehighlight, touchableopacity, drawerlayoutandroid, scrollview, menuitem, } 'react-native'; var toolbarandroid = require('toolbarandroid'); var mytoolbar = require('./mytoolbar'); var opendrawerfromtoolbar = require('./opendrawerfromtoolbar'); class calendarpage extends component { render() { return ( <navigator initialroute = {{ name: 'opendrawerfromtoolbar', index: 0 }} renderscene={this.renderscene.bind(this)} configurescene={ () => { return navigator.sceneconfigs.pushfromright; }} /> ); } renderscene(route, navigator) { //_navigator = navigator; return ( <opendrawerfromtoolbar route={route} navigator={navigator} //data={} /> ); } } module.exports = calendarpage;
does know should try solve mistake? checked same forum , found similar answers none of them worked me. thanks.
you should pass drawerlayout opening method props toolbar this:
and in toolbar component should call sidebarref props, automatically call drawerlayout opening method of previous opendrawefromtoolbar.js this:
finally toolbar icon called. might you.
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