Powerpoint change table formation in VBA -
i trying edit table in slide, , using code takes lot of time complete.
for lrow = 1 otbl.rows.count lcol = 1 otbl.columns.count otbl.cell(lrow, lcol).shape.textframe.textrange .font.name = "arial" .font.size = 30 end next next
maybe code can you. change format in each table of active presentation. have update font name , font size.
sub format()
dim s slide dim osh shape dim otbl table dim lrow long dim lcol long
for each s in activepresentation.slides
for each osh in s.shapes if osh.hastable set otbl = osh.table lrow = 1 otbl.rows.count lcol = 1 otbl.columns.count otbl.cell(lrow, lcol).shape.textframe.textrange .font.name = "batang" .font.size = 16 end next next end if next
next s
end sub
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