android - Deep linking href in pdf -

i have deep link works when in chrome browser open app id. link looks following:


this works when in webbrowser via <a href="intent://...;end">click</a>.

but when setting link in pdf (via aspose) doesn't anything, although recognizes link (i can see click animation).

the link set via following code::

var img = new aspose.pdf.generator.image(sec1); tr.paragraphs.add(img);  //assign new instance of hyperlink hyperlink property of segment img.hyperlink = new hyperlink {     linktype = hyperlinktype.file,     url = "intent://m/#intent;scheme=myapp://" + input.reference + ";;end" }; 

non-standard url schemes (which intent:// is, literally) aren't treated links. sounds pdf viewer you're using isn't set recognize them correctly, , if were, link broken anywhere except on android devices.

your best option somehow wrap url inside link pdf viewer can recognize (http:// or https://), , take care of opening app later, way of sort of automatic redirect. how handle things @, make sure app launches no matter link opened.


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