mysql - Sql Join Three table -

this question has answer here:

here table ..and want output:

pid | pname | custname | quantity | total base price | sale price | profit 


create table customers (     cid int,     cname varchar(1000),     cg varchar(1000) )  create table prod (     pid int,     pname varchar(1000),     baseprice int,     saleprice int )  create table orders (     oid int,     custid int,     pid int,     quantity int,     odate date ) 

how write query this?

--pid | pname | custname | quantity | total base price | sale price | profit select, p.pname, c.cname custname, sum(o.quantity) quantity,  sum(p.baseprice) 'total base price', sum(p.saleprice) 'sale price',  sum(p.baseprice) - sum(p.saleprice) profit -- change math need orders o join prod p on = join customers c on o.custid = c.cid group, p.pname, c.cname 


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