php - Can not retrieve multiple records from the database in CakePHP -

i working 2.6.1 version of cakephp. have created 1 controller named androidcontroller.php , looks like

<?php class androidcontroller extends appcontroller {  public function survey_question() {     configure::write('debug', '2');     $survey_id = $_request['survey_id'];     $this->layout = "";     //$condition = "question.survey_id = '".$survey_id."'";     $info = $this->question->find('all', array(         'conditions' => array(                     "question.survey_id" => $survey_id  /*dont use array() */             )         ));     echo json_encode($info);     exit; } } ?> 

so, gives error

error: action admin_survey_question not defined in controller androidcontroller

error:create androidcontroller::admin_survey_question() in file: app/controller/androidcontroller.php.

note :my website url

so how can resolve this?

you have enable admin routing action action should preceded admin_ action below:

<?php class androidcontroller extends appcontroller {  public function admin_survey_question()  { configure::write('debug', '2'); $survey_id = $_request['survey_id']; $this->layout = ""; //$condition = "question.survey_id = '".$survey_id."'"; $info = $this->question->find('all', array(     'conditions' => array(                 "question.survey_id" => $survey_id  /*dont use array()      */         )     )); echo json_encode($info); exit;  } } ?> 

if don't want enable admin routing action remove admin url , access : 


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