zend framework2 - Apigility: Send Error code 404 module.php in bootstrap -

i use apigility create web-service, i’d resolve problem. don’t have specific database linked app ,the database specified parameter in url. example http://sk.localhost/users-service/1, 1 database’s paramaters “projet” can see below.

it’s database .conf:

return array(      'db' => array(      	'1' => array(  			'driver' => 'pdo',          	'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=projet;host=localhost',          	'driver_option' => array(              1002 => 'set names \'utf8\''              ),	                     	),                    '2' => array(          	'driver' => 'pdo',          	'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=cgm;host=localhost',          	'driver_option' => array(              1002 => 'set names \'utf8\''              ),          	));

and it’s code specify database parameter:

class module  {     private $id_base;     private $conf_users_tables;     private $conf_droits_tables;      private $data;            public function init(modulemanager $modulemanager)      {            $events = $modulemanager->geteventmanager();          $events->attach(moduleevent::event_merge_config, array($this, 'initdbsconfig'));      }        public function onbootstrap(mvcevent $e)      {          $eventmanager        = $e->getapplication()->geteventmanager();          $moduleroutelistener = new moduleroutelistener();          $moduleroutelistener->attach($eventmanager);          $eventmanager->attach('route', array($this, 'checkroute'));      }        public function getconfig()      {          return include __dir__ . '/config/module.config.php';      }        public function getautoloaderconfig()      {          return array(              'zend\loader\standardautoloader' => array(                  'namespaces' => array(                      __namespace__ => __dir__ . '/src/' . __namespace__,                  ),              ),          );      }        public function checkroute(mvcevent $e)       {                $route = $e->getroutematch()->getparams();          $this->id_base = $route['id_base'];        }                     public function initdbsconfig(moduleevent $e)      {           $conf = include __dir__ . '/../../config/dbs.conf.php';          $this ->data = $conf['db'];          $this->initconftables();       }        function initconftables()      {             $confusers = include __dir__ . '/../../config/users.conf.php';          $confdroits = include __dir__ . '/../../config/droits.conf.php';          $this->conf_users_tables = $confusers;          $this->conf_droits_tables = $confdroits;      }        public function getserviceconfig()       {          return array(               'factories' => array(                     'application\model\userstable' =>  function($sm) {                           if(isset($this->data[$this->id_base]))                      {                                                              $tablegateway = $sm->get('userstablegateway');                          $table = new userstable($tablegateway);                          return $table;                      }                      else                      {                          return;                      }                   },                   'userstablegateway' => function ($sm) {                                                  $dbadapter = $sm->get('switchdbadapter');                                             $resultsetprototype = new resultset();                                           $resultsetprototype->setarrayobjectprototype($sm->get('usersmodel'));                       return new tablegateway($this ->data['t'.$this->id_base]['users'], $dbadapter, null, $resultsetprototype);                   },                   'usersmodel' => function($sm) {                       $usersmodel = new usersmodel();                       $usersmodel->setconfig($this->conf_users_tables[$this->id_base]);                       return $usersmodel;                   },                               'application\model\droitstable' =>  function($sm) {                                           $tablegateway = $sm->get('droitstablegateway');                       $table = new droitstable($tablegateway);                       return $table;                   },                   'droitstablegateway' => function ($sm) {                                           $dbadapter = $sm->get('switchdbadapter');                                                $resultsetprototype = new resultset();                          $resultsetprototype->setarrayobjectprototype($sm->get('droitsmodel'));                          return new tablegateway($this ->data['t'.$this->id_base]['droits'], $dbadapter, null, $resultsetprototype);                                         },                   'droitsmodel' => function($sm) {                       $droitsmodel = new droitsmodel();                       $droitsmodel->setconfig($this->$conf_droits_tables[$this->id_base]);                       return $droitsmodel;                   },                                      'switchdbadapter' => function ($sm) {                                               $dbadapter = new \zend\db\adapter\adapter($this->data[$this->id_base]);                          return $dbadapter;                                         },                  ),                        );       }  }

so i’d application send http error code 404 if parameter in url doesn’t match databases in config.

public function getserviceconfig()  {     if (empty($this->data[$this->id_base])){         header('http/1.0 404 not found');         die('<h1>404 not found</h1>incorrect database request.');     }      // rest of code in method getserviceconfig() ... } 


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