javascript - Expand Collapse functionality breaks jQuery -

in project i'm using vertical-accordion-menu-plugin-for-jquery-nav-accordion allows me make parent links clickable. have made minor changes jquery make keyboard accessible. looks besides 1 little thing. when expand levels , close parent's container, sub-level items not longer showing expand/collapse button. reasons breaks.

/* nav accordion plugin v1.1.2  ************************************/  (function($){  	$.fn.navaccordion = function(options, callback){  		this.each(function(){  			  			//options  			var settings = $.extend({  				expandbuttontext : "+", //text inside of expand button  				collapsebuttontext: "-",  //text inside of collapse button  				selectedexpand: "true",   //expand selected channel  				selectedclass: "selected",  //class used detect selected channel - check "parentelement" class (the parent <li> default)  				multiplelevels: "true",  //apply accordion levels - setting false apply accordion first level  				buttonwidth: "20%",  //width of accordion expand/collapse button percentage or pixels  				buttonposition: "right",  //position of button - 'right' default - can choose 'left'  				slidespeed: "fast",   //speed of slide animation - "fast", "slow", or number in milliseconds such 500  				parentelement: "li",  //parent element type, class or id - don't need change if you're using ul > li > ul pattern  				childelement: "ul",   //child element type, class or id - don't need change if you're using ul > li > ul pattern  				headersonly: false,  //false default - setting true make link sub-nav behave if set header only, making link inaccessible - option useful if using plugin non-navigation area   				headersonlycheck: false, // false default - set true apply accordion links set "header only" (have no href)  				delaylink: false,  //delay following href of links until after accordion has expanded  				delayamount: null //time in milliseconds delay before following href - use "slidespeed" default if nothing else set  			}, options);  			  			var container = this,  			//multiple levels variable  				multi = settings.multiplelevels ? '': ' > ' + settings.childelement + ' > ';  				  			//add class container  			$(container)  				.addclass('accordion-nav');  			  			//apply has-subnav class lis uls - add accordion buttons styles  			$(multi + settings.parentelement, container).each(function(){  				if ( ($(this).contents(settings.childelement).length > 0   					&& settings.headersonlycheck == false) || (!($('> a', this).attr('href'))   					&& settings.headersonlycheck == true) )    				{  					//apply class , styles parent item  					$(this).addclass('has-subnav')  						.css('position', 'relative')  							.find('>a')  								.css('margin-' + settings.buttonposition, settings.buttonwidth);  					  					//add expand button elements  					$(' > ' + settings.childelement, this)  						.before('<span class="accordion-btn-wrap"><a href="#"><span class="accordion-btn accordion-collapsed">'   						+ settings.expandbuttontext + '</span><a href="#"><span class="accordion-btn accordion-expanded">'   						+ settings.collapsebuttontext + '</span></a></span></a>');  						  					//apply styles expand button  					$('.accordion-btn-wrap', this)  						.css({  							'width': settings.buttonwidth,   							'position': 'absolute',   							'top': 0,   							'text-align': 'center',   							'cursor': 'pointer',   							'display': 'inline-block'  						})  						.css(settings.buttonposition, 0);  					$('.accordion-btn ', this)  						.css({  							'display': 'inline-block',   							'width': '100%'  						});  					$('.accordion-expanded', this)  						.css('display', 'none');  				}  				  				//apply styles <a> tags set header  				if (!($('> a', this).attr('href')) || settings.headersonly){  					$(this)  						.addclass('accordion-header-only')  							.find('.accordion-btn-wrap')  								.css({  									'width': '100%',   									'text-align': settings.buttonposition  								})  								.find('.accordion-btn ')  									.css({  										'width': settings.buttonwidth,   										'text-align': 'center'  									});  				}  				  				//delay link mode  				if (settings.delaylink && !settings.headersonly) {  					var currentthis = this,  						speed = settings.delayamount != null ? settings.delayamount : settings.slidespeed;  					if (speed == "fast") {  						speed = 200;  					} else if (speed == "slow") {  						speed = 600;  					}  					$('> a', currentthis).on('click',function(e){  						if (!$('> .accordion-btn-wrap', currentthis).hasclass("accordion-active")) {  							e.preventdefault();  							var href = $(this).attr('href');  							clicktoggle($('> .accordion-btn-wrap', currentthis));  							//go link after delay  							settimeout(function(){  								window.location = href;  							}, speed)  						}  					})  				}  				  			});  			  			var selectednavaccordion = $(settings.parentelement + '.' + settings.selectedclass + ' > .accordion-btn-wrap', container);  			  			//debounced button height event listener  			var buttonheightresize = debounce(function(){  				//run button height  				buttonheight();  				//expand selected channel  				expandselected();  			}, 250);  			$(window).on('resize', buttonheightresize);  			  			//set button heights  			buttonheight();  			  			//expand selected channel  			expandselected();  			  			//on click function  			$(container).on('click', '.accordion-btn-wrap', function(e) {  				e.preventdefault();  				clicktoggle(this);  			});  			  			//callback  			if (typeof callback == "function") {  				callback();  			}  			  			  			/* functions   			*******************************/  				//click toggle function  				function clicktoggle(element) {  					var nextchild = $(element).next(settings.childelement),  						currentexpandbtn = $('.accordion-expanded', element),  						currentcollapsebtn = $('.accordion-collapsed', element),  						parentobj = $(element).closest(settings.parentelement);  					if (':visible')) {  						nextchild  							.slideup(settings.slidespeed);  						$(element)  							.removeclass('accordion-active');  						currentexpandbtn  							.css('display', 'none');  						currentcollapsebtn  							.css('display', 'inline-block');  						parentobj.add(parentobj.siblings('.active')).add(parentobj.find('.active')).removeclass('active');  					} else {  						$(element).closest(settings.childelement).find('.accordion-active')  							.removeclass('accordion-active')  							.next(settings.childelement)  								.slideup(settings.slidespeed).prev()  								.find('.accordion-expanded')  									.css('display', 'none')  									.parent().find('.accordion-collapsed')  										.css('display', 'inline-block');  						parentobj.add(parentobj.siblings('.active')).add(parentobj.find('.active')).removeclass('active');  						$(element)  							.addclass('accordion-active');  						nextchild  							.slidetoggle(settings.slidespeed);  						currentexpandbtn  							.css('display', 'inline-block');  						currentcollapsebtn  							.css('display', 'none');  						parentobj.addclass('active');  					}  				}  				  				//expand selected channel function  				function expandselected(){  					if(settings.selectedexpand){  						if(!settings.headersonlycheck){  						selectednavaccordion.find('.accordion-expanded')  							.css('display', 'inline-block');  						selectednavaccordion.find('.accordion-collapsed')  							.css('display', 'none');  						selectednavaccordion.addclass('accordion-active')  							.next(settings.childelement)  								.css('display', 'block');  						selectednavaccordion.closest(settings.parentelement)  							.addclass('active');  						} else {  							$(settings.parentelement + '.' + settings.selectedclass + ' > ' + settings.childelement, container)  								.css('display', 'block');  								$(settings.parentelement + '.' + settings.selectedclass).addclass('active');  						}  					}  				}  			  				//accordion button height function  				function buttonheight(){  					$('.accordion-btn', container).each(function(){  						//show uls heights calculated correctly  						$(settings.parentelement + '.has-subnav > ' + settings.childelement, container)  							.css('display', 'block');  						  						//calculate , set heights  						var parentitem = $(this).closest(settings.parentelement),  							lineheight =  $('> a', parentitem).innerheight();  						$(this)  							.css({'line-height': lineheight + 'px', 'height': lineheight});  						  						//hide uls under lis , reset expand/collapse buttons  						$(settings.parentelement + ((settings.headersonlycheck) ? ' ' : '.has-subnav > ') + settings.childelement, container)  							.css('display', 'none');  						$('.accordion-expanded')  							.css('display', 'none');  						$('.accordion-collapsed')  							.css('display', 'inline-block');  					})  				}		  				//debounce function  				function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {  					var timeout;  					return function() {  						var context = this, args = arguments;  						var later = function() {  							timeout = null;  							if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);  						};  						var callnow = immediate && !timeout;  						cleartimeout(timeout);  						timeout = settimeout(later, wait);  						if (callnow) func.apply(context, args);  					};  				};	  		});  	}  })(jquery);

the error related line below not finding '.accordion-collapsed' element, due searching parent(), whic assumes specific dom structure. using .closest() more flexible. 1 way fix replace

.parent().find('.accordion-collapsed').css('display', 'inline-block'); 


.closest('ul').find('.accordion-collapsed').css('display', 'inline-block'); 

line taken section:

$(element).closest(settings.childelement).find('.accordion-active')                             .removeclass('accordion-active')                             .next(settings.childelement)                                 .slideup(settings.slidespeed).prev()                                 .find('.accordion-expanded')                                     .css('display', 'none')                                     .parent().find('.accordion-collapsed')                                         .css('display', 'inline-block'); 


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